Aglaonema Maria Plant Price in Dubai ,UAE

Aglaonema Maria Plant Price in Dubai ,UAE

122.98 AED 

The Aglaonema is easy, and also one of the most beautiful houseplants!

122.98 AED 

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SKU: Aglaonema Maria Categories:

Product Description

Watering :Requires water every 2 weeks. During the summer once a week
Best location: Medium light to partial shade. Can’t withstand full sun
Plant nutrition: It is best if you add plant nutrition once every month during the summer
Repotting :Preferably once every 2 years

The Aglaonema grows under large trees and plants in Southeast Asia. In turn, this plant grows just about right with little sunlight.

The nickname of the Aglaonema is Chinese Evergreen.

Chinese Evergreens don’t need much water. You can water it when the potting soil feels slightly moist to dry. However, humidity is a must for this plant, so keep a plant spray close, as it’s important to spray it regularly. If you notice the leaves turning lighter in color, it means that the plant is getting too much sunlight. In that case, position the Aglaonema to a relatively darker place.