Allamanda Price in Dubai, UAE

Allamanda Price in Dubai, UAE

121.00 AED 


Allamanda plants are Botanically known as Allamanda cathartica from the Apocynaceae family. Common names are Golden trumpet vine, Common trumpet vine, Yellow allamanda, Harkakra, Pilaghanti, etc.  It is a perennial flowering plant, blooms year-round and noted for its leathery, dark green shiny foliage and trumpet-shaped flowers. 

121.00 AED 

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Planting & Care 

Sunlight:  Full sun to partial shade.

Soil: Soil pH 7.6 to 7.8 (mildly alkaline).

Water: Requires consistently moist soil. Do not let dry out between waterings.

Fertilizer: Feed the plant with liquid fertilizer in the growing season and cut it down to once a month in winter.

Temperature: These tender plants will not withstand temperatures below 25 degrees F.