Allamanda Catharitica Price in Dubai, UAE

Allamanda Catharitica Price in Dubai, UAE

104.50 AED 

Allamanda Catharitica

Allamanda cathartica is a strong vine plant/climber, large yellow flowers with shiny deep green, leathery, 2-4 inch evergreen leaves, with large clear yellow bell-like flowers. The bell-shaped golden yellow flowers of the allamanda is very fragrant, and appear in summer can reach 4″-5″ inches across. 

104.50 AED 

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Product Description

Planting & Care 

Sunlight: A lover of the sun, this drought-tolerant plant needs lots of sunshine

Soil: Allamanda like good, rich soil for healthy plant growth. If grown in a container transplant every two years

Water: Allamanda requires lots of water. During its flowering period pay attention to the plant’s water use. Very often it requires some extra water to avoid flower loss.

Fertilizer: Fertilizing Allamanda cathartica is best with liquid water-soluble plant food once every two weeks during active growth. Do not give too much fertilizer to avoid overcrowding of foliage and lesser flowers.

Temperature: Keep temperatures and humidity high if possible.