Aspidistra elatior Plant Price in Dubai, UAE

Aspidistra elatior Plant Price in Dubai, UAE

204.38 AED 

The Aspidistra Elatior is also called the Cast Iron and Bar-room plant. These nicknames are a testimony to its sturdiness in surviving harsh weather.

204.38 AED 

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SKU: Aspidistra elatior Categories:

Product Description

Watering :Requires water every 2 weeks. During the summer once a week
Best location :Medium light to partial shade. Can’t withstand full sun
Plant nutrition :Additional plant nutrition is not necessary
Repotting :Preferably once every 2 years

The Aspidistra Elatior is also called the Cast Iron and Bar-room plant. These nicknames are a testimony to its sturdiness in surviving harsh weather.

The plant originates from the Himalayas and is well accustomed to droughts. It’s a perfect match for forgetful plant lovers!

The Aspidistra is an indoor plant, but it does well if you place it out in the summers too. Just give the plant some water every two weeks and keep it away from direct sunlight. Make sure the sunlight reaches your plant. It can range from indirect sunlight to partial shade.