Azalia Available Colors / Each Price in Dubai, UAE

Azalia Available Colors / Each Price in Dubai, UAE

60.50 AED 

60.50 AED 

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Product Description


Azaleas are beautiful plants known as the “Royalty of the Garden” because of their notoriously vibrant and colorful blossoms. The various shades of azaleas include pinks, purples, reds, oranges, whites and more. Azaleas are famous for springtime beauty, but they come in early, mid- or late-flowering varieties.

Planting & Care 

Sunlight:  The ideal place for planting your azaleas is in a happy medium spot.

Soil: Provide well-drained, humus-rich soil that is slightly acidic (pH 4.5–6).

Water: Azaleas in a more shaded area and cooler climate prefer less water, about two or three times a month. If planted in a sunnier and warmer climate, water azaleas about one to two times a week.

Fertilizer: Fertilize in early spring and again 12 to 16 weeks later, and provide the nutrients they need for the year.

Temperature: most azaleas are very hardy and can withstand average temperatures between 30ºF and 85ºF with no issues.