Cereus Validus Plant Price in Dubai, UAE.

Cereus Validus Plant Price in Dubai, UAE.

Cereus Validus originates from South America where it develops white flowers in the summer. The cactus owes its spiral shape to growers.

SKU: Cereus Validus Category: Tag:

Product Description

WateringRequires water every 3 months. During the summer once a month
Best locationGrows best with medium light. Can’t withstand full sun
Plant nutritionAdditional plant nutrition is not necessary
RepottingPreferably once every 3 years

Cacti are one of the most resilient plants. In summer, most cacti only need water once a month. In the winter, it only takes a sip of water once every two months for them to thrive.

Wherever the cactus is placed in your house, it will feel like home. Whether it is in the shade or in direct sunlight. As soon as a cactus receives too little sunlight, you will notice it growing long thin shoots. If that happens, position the plant on a lighter spot.