Chinese Lantern (Physalis Alkekengi) Price in Dubai, UAE

Chinese Lantern (Physalis Alkekengi) Price in Dubai, UAE

7.15 AED 

Chinese Lantern (physalis alkekengi)

Chinese lantern (Physalis alkekengi) is a perennial plant from Europe and Asia.

The spring flowers are pretty enough as viny plants, they can be treated as ground covers. 

7.15 AED 

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SKU: Chinese Lantern (Physalis Alkekengi) Categories:

Product Description

Planting & Care 

SunLight:   They need light in order to germinate, so lay them on top of the soil and place the pot in an area with bright but indirect light

Soil: Grow them in well-drained soil. Once mature, the plants become reasonably tolerant of poor soils.

Water: Keep the soil moist at all times. Allow the soil around your Chinese lantern plant to dry between watering.

Fertilizer: Fertilize monthly during the growing season in the spring. Compost works well. Mulch around the plant to maintain soil moisture.

Temperature: Germination temperatures between 70 and 75 F. (21-14 C.).