Chorisia Speciosa Price in Dubai, UAE

Chorisia Speciosa Price in Dubai, UAE

1,595.00 AED 

Chorisia Speciosa Pink: 3.5-4.0 m Ht, 2 m CT, 3-4” Dia

This rounded, evergreen tree eventually has spreading branches, which are green when young and without spines. Chorisia speciosa commonly known as silk floss tree is a conical deciduous tree native to tropical and sub-tropical forested areas in Argentina and Brazil.

1,595.00 AED 

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Product Description

Planting & Care 

SunLight: Chorisia Speciosa prefers bright light and direct sun. If possible 12 hours of bright sunlight is best for the growth

Soil: A mixture of soil, sand, and perlite is highly recommended for proper drainage.

Water: When watering Chorisia Speciosa make sure to lightly soak the soil and then do not water again until the top 2 inches are dry. Depending on light conditions, location and foliage watering may be required weekly or daily.

Fertilizer: It is recommended that you fertilize at the same time as you water using a time-released fertilizer 8-3-9 or similar to help your Chorisia Speciosa grow

Temperature: mature trees can withstand temperatures to 20 °F (-7 °C) for limited time periods.

Pruning: They can be lightly pruned after flowering to maintain a compact appearance.