Cordia Sebestena Price in Dubai, UAE

Cordia Sebestena Price in Dubai, UAE

968.00 AED 

Cordia Sebestena Bright orange: 3.5-4.0 m Ht, 2 m CT, 4-5 cm Dia

Cordia sebestena is widely planted throughout the tropics as an ornamental plant in gardens for its showy dark orange flowers in spring and summer. It is a slow-growing plant and sheds enough leaves and fruit to require some upkeep. The wood is rather light in density, but branches are not prone to breakage.

968.00 AED 

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Product Description

Planting & Care 

Sunlight: Full sun required

Soil: Will grow on loamy soil

Water: Water once a week 

Fertilizer: Apply a general, well-balanced fertilizer annually

Temperature: Best in 20 to 40 degrees C

Pruning: The tree should be pruned in its youth to establish a structure, as it is prone to low branching.