Ctenanthe Burle Marxii Plant Price in Dubai, UAE

Ctenanthe Burle Marxii Plant Price in Dubai, UAE

103.18 AED 

The Ctenanthe has the ability of pulling up its leaves at night.

103.18 AED 

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SKU: Ctenanthe Burle Marxii Categories:

Product Description

Watering :Requires water once a week. During the summer twice a week
Best location :Medium light to partial shade. Can’t withstand full sun
Plant nutrition :It is best if you add plant nutrition once every month during the summer
Repotting :Preferably once every 2 years

Although the Ctenanthe is beautiful, these are not the easiest plants to take care of.

A dark corner or bathroom is a favourite spot for the Ctenanthe.

The Ctenanthe is very demanding when it comes to watering. In summer, twice a week is enough, and in winter, once a week. The leaves of the Ctenanthe will droop when it is very thirsty.

For a super happy Ctenanthe, it is best to spray the plant with a plant sprayer regularly.