Dracaena Bicolour Plant Price in Dubai, UAE

Dracaena Bicolour Plant Price in Dubai, UAE

411.18 AED 

An advantage of the Dracaena, or Dragon Tree, is that the plant is extremely air purifying. The plant also removes harmful substances from the air.

411.18 AED 

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Product Description

WateringRequires water every 2 weeks. During the summer once a week
Best locationMedium light to partial shade. Can’t withstand full sun
Plant nutritionIt is best if you add plant nutrition once every month during the summer
RepottingPreferably once every 2 years

The Dracaena comes from a large family of 120 various types. You may also know the plant with its grand name, the Dragon’s Blood Tree. The Dracaena owes this nickname to the red resin of the plant.

An advantage of the Dracaena is that the plant is extremely air purifying. The plant also removes harmful substances from the air.

The Dracaena is not very difficult to keep alive. The plant only needs water when the soil feels dry. Position the plant in a dark corner, and you have a perfect plant living its life.