Euphorbia Erytrea Plant Price in Dubai,UAE

Euphorbia Erytrea Plant Price in Dubai,UAE

411.18 AED 

Euphorbias are very easy to take care of. The Euphorbia is an indoor plant that looks similar to a cactus.

411.18 AED 

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SKU: Euphorbia Erytrea 001 Categories:

Product Description

Watering :Requires water every 3 months. During the summer once a month
Best location: Can be positioned at any location. From bright light to partial shade
Plant nutrition: Additional plant nutrition is not necessary
Repotting: Preferably once every 3 years

The Euphorbia is an indoor plant that looks similar to a cactus. However, the Euphorbia is not a cactus as the plant has spurge. Cacti, on the other hand, don’t have any spurge.

Euphorbias are very easy to take care of. These plants can live up to a month without water in summer. In winter, a minimal amount of water once every two months is enough.

It does not matter where you position the Euphorbia. Whether it’s placed in the full sun or in semi-shade. If Euphorbia plants get too little sunlight, you will notice. The plant will grow long, thin shoots, so it’s better to position the plant in a brighter location.