Jacquemontia 4 Stick Price in Dubai, UAE

Jacquemontia 4 Stick Price in Dubai, UAE

121.00 AED 

Jacquemontia  – 4 Stick 

Ipomoea is the largest genus in the flowering plant family Convolvulaceae, with common names including Morning Glory, Sweet Potato, Bindweed or Moon Flower. They can be used as a ground cover or grown up a trellis.

121.00 AED 

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How To Care

Light:  provide full light with protection from the hottest sun

Water: watering once a week especially in case of elevated temperature.

Fertilizer:  A constant nutrition supply encourages blossoming over monthly during the growing seasons

Temperature: Minimum temperature is 10 degrees Celsius to avoid cold damage.

Potting:  Soak the seeds in lukewarm water for 1 hour before sowing to trigger sprouting.Plant in spring or early summer

Pruning: It doesn’t need any pruning because ipomoea only lives for a year.