Jasmine 60 Cm Total Ht Price in Dubai, UAE

Jasmine 60 Cm Total Ht Price in Dubai, UAE

55.00 AED 


Also called white jasmine or true jasmine, these flexible stems carry evergreen leaves and it’s charming little star-shaped pretty white-flowered deciduous blooming in the summertime, especially in the evening. Jasmine belongs to the Oleaceae family.

55.00 AED 

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How To Care

Light: Jasmine plants like bright sunlight

Water:  Keep the soil moist, Jasmine plants need a lot of water, especially when they are in bloom

Fertilizer: use a fertilizer that is rich in potassium and phosphorus. This type of fertilizer will help extend the bloom time of the plant

Temperature: able to handle hot and humid temperatures, but they will not survive cold, so try to keep the temperature between 60 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit.

Potting:  plant through stem cuttings that can grow in a pot or hanging basket. It can also be planted directly in the ground and trained to climb or grow as bushes or ground cover.

Pruning:  pruning is recommended regularly any dead foliage or old shoots after flowering. you should begin pinching the top half-inch of the stem to promote growth.