Kentia Palm Plant Price in Dubai,UAE

Kentia Palm Plant Price in Dubai,UAE

222.00 AED 

Unlike other palms the Kentia palm is not difficult to maintain. Even if you forget about it once in a while, the plant would be doing fine.

222.00 AED 

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SKU: Kentia Palm 2 Categories:

Product Description

WateringRequires water every 10 days. During the summer every 5 days
Best locationMedium light to partial shade. Can’t withstand full sun
Plant nutritionIt is best if you add plant nutrition once every 2 weeks during the summer
RepottingPreferably once every 2 years

The Kentia is a palm of the Arecaceae family, originally from an island near Australia. Kentia Palms are also known as Howea Forsteriana.

Unlike other palms the Kentia palm is not difficult to maintain. Even if you forget about it once in a while, the plant would be doing fine. This makes the Kentia palm very suitable as an office plant too!