Lagerstroemia Indica (Crepe Myrtle) Price in Dubai, UAE

Lagerstroemia Indica (Crepe Myrtle) Price in Dubai, UAE

715.00 AED 

Lagerstroemia Indica White: 2.5-3.0 m Ht, 35-40 mm dia

Lagerstroemia indica, otherwise known as the Crape myrtle, crepe flower, Queen of shrubs, and the amazing shrub that blooms during the entire summer.

715.00 AED 

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SKU: Lagerstroemia Indica (Crepe Myrtle) Categories:

Product Description

Planting & Care 

Sunlight: It is preferable to plant it in the fall in order to support root development,

Soil: well-drained. Loam, clay, sand

Water: Once established, crape myrtles are quite drought-tolerant. During the first few growing seasons, they should be watered regularly and deeply once a week, or twice a week in extremely hot weather.

Fertilizer: During the first growing season (spring/summer), lightly fertilize once a month. For established trees or shrubs, apply a slow-release fertilizer at the first signs of new growth in spring. Following that, apply a light feeding twice a month in spring and summer

Temperature: Hardy, though not heat tolerant of western exposures or temperatures above 115oF. 

Pruning: pruning should be done in winter when they’re dormant.