Lettuce Leaf Seeds Price in Dubai, UAE

Lettuce Leaf Seeds Price in Dubai, UAE

7.15 AED 

Lettuce Leaves Seeds 

Lettuce is one of the most widely planted salad vegetables and is so easy to grow, so nutritious, and so delicious picked fresh from the garden. Lettuce harvested just before maturity gives you the best flavor. Because the leaves taste best when they’re young and tender.

7.15 AED 

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Product Description

Planting & Care

Sunlight: protect them from direct sun during peak sunlight.

Soil: should be loose and well-drained soil with an ideal pH range between 6 to 6.5 is best to grow lettuce

Water: Regular water is essential to avoid bitter-tasting leaves

Temperature: The ideal germination temperature for the seeds should the range between 12-15 °C(55-60 °F).

Fertilizer:  feed it with organic matter, Fertilize 3 weeks after transplanting