Monstera Deliciosa Plant Price in Dubai, UAE

Monstera Deliciosa Plant Price in Dubai, UAE

169.18 AED 

The Monstera Deliciosa is a remarkable plant. It’s an air-purifying plant, which makes the plant more friendly than what its name sounds like. This Monstera comes with a moss pole.

169.18 AED 

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SKU: Monstera Deliciosa 006 Categories:

Product Description

Watering : Requires water once a week
Best location : Medium light to partial shade. Can’t withstand full sun
Plant nutrition : It is best if you add plant nutrition once every week during the summer
Repotting : Preferably once every year

The Monstera Deliciosa is a remarkable plant. You can also know the plant by its name Swiss Cheese Plant or Philodendron Pertusem. An air-purifying plant, which makes the plant more friendly than what its name sounds like.

Monstera plants are natural climbers. The plant can thrive in a somewhat darker spot in your home. A very easy plant that needs water once a week. Nothing to worry about.