Muehlenbeckia Plant Price in Dubai, UAE

Muehlenbeckia Plant Price in Dubai, UAE

103.18 AED 

Muehlenbeckia plants are actually creeping plants, but they can climb too.

103.18 AED 

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Product Description

Watering : Requires water once a week
Best location : Grows best with medium light. Can’t withstand full sun
Plant nutrition : It is best if you add plant nutrition once every 2 weeks during the summer
Repotting : Preferably once every 2 years

The Muehlenbeckia originates from the cold mountains of New Zealand. This plant can resist freezing temperatures, as long as the weather doesn’t drop lower than -5 °C.

Muehlenbeckia plants are actually creeping plants, but they can climb too. It’s easy to take care of Muehlenbeckia. You just have to place the plant in a bright spot to get enough indirect sunlight and provide it with a small amount of water once a week.