Oregano Comun Price in Dubai, UAE

Oregano Comun Price in Dubai, UAE

7.15 AED 

Oregano Comun

Oregano is a must-have in a culinary garden. A plant from the mint family, with rose-purple or white flowers and its pungent spicy, slightly bitter flavor pairs well with almost any vegetable preparation.

7.15 AED 

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Product Description

Planting & Care 

Sunlight: Oregano performs well in part to full sun, but the flavors intensify when it receives a full day of sunshine.

Soil: Plant oregano in light, well-drained soil. Oregano actually grows better in moderately fertile soil

Watering: Don’t overwater oregano. Water thoroughly, only when the soil is dry to the touch.

Temperature: Best germination temperature is 20 °C

Fertilizer: Only need moderately fertile. Do not add compost and fertilizer to its growing area.