Philodendron Squamiferum Plant Price in Dubai,UAE

Philodendron Squamiferum Plant Price in Dubai,UAE

235.18 AED 

The Philodendron is a strongly air-purifying plant that stands out due to its beauty and firm leaves.

235.18 AED 

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Product Description

Watering: Requires water once a week. During the summer twice a week
Best location: Medium light to partial shade. Can’t withstand full sun
Plant nutrition: It is best if you add plant nutrition once every week during the summer
Repotting :Preferably once every year

The Philodendron is a strongly air-purifying plant that stands out due to its beauty and firm leaves.

Philodendron plants originate from the tropical regions of the Caribbean. There you can find hundreds of varieties. The plant’s name, Philodendron, comes from the Greek words’ philéo’ meaning ‘to love’ and ‘dendron’ meaning ‘tree.’ A perfect plant to express your love to other plant lovers!