Polyscias Fabian Plant Price in Dubai, UAE

Polyscias Fabian Plant Price in Dubai, UAE

384.75 AED 

The Polyscias is a kind of mini-tree, due its tree-like silhouette. With a trunk, branches, and leaves, it is still manageable in your living room!

384.75 AED 

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SKU: Polyscias Fabian Category:

Product Description

WateringRequires water once a week
Best locationGrows best with medium light. Can’t withstand full sun
Plant nutritionIt is best if you add plant nutrition once every 2 weeks during the summer
RepottingPreferably once every 2 years

The Polyscias is a kind of mini-tree, due its tree-like silhouette. With a trunk, branches, and leaves, it is still manageable in your living room!

The word Poly’ means ‘many’ and ‘scias’ means ‘

You can place it in a corner, away from direct sunlight, where it will fill the place with peace and greenery. The Polyscias is a great plant to keep in the