Polyscias Hawaiiana Ming Plant Price in Dubai ,UAE

Polyscias Hawaiiana Ming Plant Price in Dubai ,UAE

162.58 AED 

The Polyscias is a kind of mini-tree, due its tree-like silhouette. With a trunk, branches, and leaves, it is still manageable in your living room!

162.58 AED 

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SKU: Polyscias Hawaiiana Ming Categories:

Product Description

Watering :Requires water once a week
Best location: Grows best with medium light. Can’t withstand full sun
Plant nutrition :It is best if you add plant nutrition once every 2 weeks during the summer
Repotting :Preferably once every 2 years

The Polyscias is a kind of mini-tree, due its tree-like silhouette. With a trunk, branches, and leaves, it is still manageable in your living room!

The word Poly’ means ‘many’ and ‘scias’ means ‘shadow’ in Greek. Its name calls out to where the plant likes to be: in the shade.

You can place it in a corner, away from direct sunlight, where it will fill the place with peace and greenery. The Polyscias is a great plant to keep in the office, as well as your home.