Rhipsalis mix Plant Price in Dubai, UAE

Rhipsalis mix Plant Price in Dubai, UAE

204.38 AED 

The Rhipsalis is a striking plant because of its thin, long petioles.

In this mix you will receive three Rhipsalis plants. Which one? That is a surprise!

204.38 AED 

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Product Description

Watering : Requires water every 3 months. During the summer once a month
Best location : Medium light to partial shade. Can’t withstand full sun
Plant nutrition : Additional plant nutrition is not necessary
Repotting : Repotting is not necessary

The Rhipsalis is a striking plant because of the long petioles. The stems of the plant hang decoratively over the pot and can grow very long. These petioles can be propagated without any problems.

The genus Rhipsalis, also called biscactus, has about sixty different varieties. Originally, the Rhipsalis comes from South and Central America and Florida.