Sansevieria Cylindrica rocket Plant Price in Dubai, UAE

Sansevieria Cylindrica rocket Plant Price in Dubai, UAE

204.38 AED 

Sansevieria plants bless its surroundings with superior air purification. Plus, it doesn’t require a lot of attention either!

204.38 AED 

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Product Description

Watering : Requires water every 6 weeks. During the summer once every 2 weeks
Best location : Can be positioned at any location. From bright light to partial shade
Plant nutrition : It is best if you add plant nutrition once every month during the summer
Repotting : Preferably once every 3 years

The Sansevieria, also known as the Snake plant, is a pretty popular indoor plant. The Sansevieria family originates from Africa, Madagascar, and South Asia.

Sansevieria plants bless its surroundings with superior air purification. Plus, it doesn’t require a lot of attention either!

Sansevieria plants are perfect for people that are away from home a lot, or those who are not very good at taking care of indoor plants. The Sansevieria is the perfect starter plant for someone who doesn’t have any indoor plants.