Sansevieria Laurentii plant Price in Dubai, UAE

Sansevieria Laurentii plant Price in Dubai, UAE

169.18 AED 

Sansevieria plants bless its surroundings with superior air purification. Plus, it doesn’t require a lot of attention either!

169.18 AED 

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SKU: Sansevieria Laurentii 003 Categories:

Product Description

Watering: Requires water every 6 weeks. During the summer once every 2 weeks
Best location: Can be positioned at any location. From bright light to partial shade
Plant nutrition: It is best if you add plant nutrition once every month during the summer
Repotting: Preferably once every 3 years

The Sansevieria , also known as the Snake plant, is a pretty popular indoor plant. The Sansevieria family originates from Africa, Madagascar, and South Asia.

Sansevieria plants bless its surroundings with superior air purification. Plus, it doesn’t require a lot of attention either!

Sansevieria plants are perfect for people that are away from home a lot, or those who are not very good at taking care of indoor plants. The Sansevieria is the perfect starter plant for someone who doesn’t have any indoor plants.