Spinach Leaf Seeds Price in Dubai, UAE

Spinach Leaf Seeds Price in Dubai, UAE

7.15 AED 

Organic Spinach/Palak Seeds

Spinach is one of the best cool-weather crops and the flat leafy green Spinach grows more rapidly, and rich in minerals, vitamins, folate and dietary fiber that ensures skin, bone, and hair health.so that you can grow in your garden.

7.15 AED 

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Product Description

Planting & Care

Sunlight: need Full Sunlight

Soil: Well-drained soil, Loamy Soil

Water: Spinach likes a lot of water, but it doesn’t like soggy soil.

Temperature: For proper germination, not more than 70 degrees F

Fertilizer: Fertilize only if necessary due to slow growth, with any organic fertilizer.