String Of Dolphins Price in Dubai, UAE

String Of Dolphins Price in Dubai, UAE

203.50 AED 

String of Dolphins

Senecio peregrinus, commonly known as string-of-dolphins, is a creeping succulent vine whose leaves resemble leaping dolphins. In its natural environment, its stems grow along the ground, rooting where they touch and forming dense mats of dolphins. This beautiful draping succulent is a cross of a string of pearls and candle plants.

203.50 AED 

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Planting & Care 

Sun Light: love light and need about six hours of sun per day

Water: Water your succulent very little, about once a week.

Fertilizer: don’t need much fertilizer, but you can give them light feedings during the spring and summer growing season.

Temperature: Maintain a warm temperature

Potting: cactus soil mix at your local garden center is the best way to get the right soil for planting succulents.

Pruning: Make sure to prune your succulents once in 2 weeks or whenever required for a healthy growth.