Syngonium Pixie Plant Price in Dubai, UAE

Syngonium Pixie Plant Price in Dubai, UAE

103.18 AED 

The Syngonium originates from tropical rainforests. This plant has true climbing plant spirits!

103.18 AED 

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Product Description

Watering :Requires water once a week
Best location :Medium light to partial shade. Can’t withstand full sun
Plant nutrition :It is best if you add plant nutrition once every 2 weeks during the summer
Repotting :Preferably once every 2 years

Syngonium originates from tropical rainforests. In nature the plant grows vertically on giant trees and plants. This plant has true climbing plant spirits!

As the Syngonium is used to the high humidity in nature, it requires the same from you. It may sound demanding at first, but you’ll cherish the time you spend with it. All you have to do is spray your plant with a plant sprayer regularly, and it will grow happily.