Tabebuia Rosea Price in Dubai, UAE

Tabebuia Rosea Price in Dubai, UAE

412.50 AED 

Tabebuia Rosea Pink : 2.0-2.5m Ht, 1” dia

Tabubea Rosea also known as Pink trumpet tree, Pink Tecoma, Rosy trumpet tree, is a tall, fast-growing evergreen tree with a long, smooth trunk topped by a rounded spreading crown. It is popular for its often spectacular bloom of showy, trumpet-shaped, purplish flowers. It is widely grown for adorning avenues.

412.50 AED 

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Product Description

Planting & Care 

Sunlight: Most species of the Tabebuia tree require full to partial sun. 

Soil: Plants like well-drained soils

Water: Regular watering in hot dry months will help it grow well

Fertilizer: Fertilize with any organic fertilizer

Temperature: 27 to 40 degrees C

Pruning: Prune the stem tips of a young plant to promote branching